Common Types of Personal Injuries Cases in Montana

A personal injury case occurs when a person or business is responsible for the losses another person suffered. There are many such incidents that occur every day throughout the state. Some of the most common types of personal injury cases in Montana that our team at Everett Cook Law see include car accidents, work-related accidents, truck…

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The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

A truck accident can be devastating for all those involved, especially those riding in the vehicle that was struck. When you or a loved one suffers an injury in a truck accident, you must speak with an experienced Butte truck accident attorney from Everett Cook Law. Our team has represented clients who have been injured…

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The Different Types of Damages In Personal Injury Cases

You or a loved one can suffer an injury in just about any situation throughout the day. Car, truck, bicycle, motorcycle, construction, worksite, slip and fall, and many other accidents can lead to serious and life-changing injuries. A Montana personal injury lawyer from Everett Cook Law can help you recover the different types of damages in…

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