What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Butte

A motorcycle rider faces more danger than someone in a regular motor vehicle, and unfortunately, accidents are not uncommon. It is important to know what to do when you find yourself in such a dangerous situation. A Butte motorcycle accident lawyer should be one of the first people you turn to after your crash.

Make Sure You Get Checked By Your Doctor or Hospital

No matter if you think your injury is not substantial enough to see a doctor, you should still go. Even if you got hurt but are still walking around fine, you never know if there can be an underlying issue going on. If you do not go to the doctor after your accident or get checked out at the hospital, nothing will be on record. Medical documentation is one of the best pieces of evidence.

If you later discover that you got hurt more than you thought, you would have a harder time proving it was from the accident. For example, if you hurt your spine but did not realize it and figured you were just bruised, this could end up in hefty costs down the road. If you had medical documentation that the pain was going on after the accident, it could all be connected and you would have more potential to achieve compensation. Not only would it be difficult to prove at this point, but Montana only has a three-year statute of limitations to file a claim.

Take Photos and Videos of Everything Possible

If you feel okay enough to do so, you should take photos of every angle of the accident site. Take photos of how your motorcycle is positioned, its damage, and the other vehicle involved if possible. Your smartphone should automatically timestamp the photos, so it is a vital piece of proof to bring forward in court. You should also take photos of any injuries, cuts, or bruises if possible.

Avoid Talking Without Your Lawyer

One of the things you should do is limit any conversations. You can ask for insurance information from the other party, but be careful when saying anything else. It is important to have a lawyer present for any communication with insurance companies as well. Admitting fault unintentionally is too common and can jeopardize your entire case. Even if the motorcycle crash was not your fault, you could end up saying something that could be taken out of context too easily.

When the police arrive for the investigation and police report, also limit what you say to them. You can hand over your insurance, registration, and license, but be cautious with them as well.

Everett Cook Law Can Help Build Your Case and Do The Talking For You

The costs can add up quickly, from fixing the damage to your motorcycle to addressing your injuries. If you did not cause the accident, you should not have to pay for all the burden placed upon you. The only problem is that you need to build a solid case. Contact our team to speak with a Butte motorcycle accident attorney and see how we can help.

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